Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Well, it's finally here! We will be leaving the house in an hour or so for Gary's Mom's house to celebrate Christmas Eve with all of his family. It is a BIG crowd, about 30 of us when we all get together. We have Monkey with us today since her poor Mommy & Daddy had to work. It has been a long time since I have had to get a little one ready for the holidays. I hope she will be up for letting me get her hair down and putting tights and a taffeta dress on her!

Tomorrow we will celebrate here at our house with our girls, Darwin, Monkey and my Mom. It will be so much FUN to watch Monkey with all of her presents!

I hope you all are enjoying your holiday and your family!!!

Here are a few photos from yesterday to help put you in the holiday spirit!

Merry CHRISTmas Friends!

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