So here we are, the holidays are over and the New Year is right in front of us. How on earth does time fly by so fast? I figured I would share a little bit about Christmas with Monkey and the family this year. . .
This is Monkey on Christmas Eve at my MIL's house. There were about 30 people there and she totally held her own in that crowd! She was all smiles and a little bit of mischief all evening!
This past week I realized that in the first 16 months of Monkey's life there are only 15 photos of me with her! So I have made a goal to get even more of us together this year. I started on Christmas Eve and got about 6! Here is one of my favorites!
She is playing this new game with Uncle Larry - not allowing her to hold her! It is really quite funny. But I was wanting a photo of them together - this is the best we could do.
She is playing this new game with Uncle Larry - not allowing her to hold her! It is really quite funny. But I was wanting a photo of them together - this is the best we could do.
How sweet is this photo of Mommy & Monkey together!
No posed pictures with Grampa - but I did get a couple of them checking things out.
Now we are at our house on Christmas Morning. This was not the super great Christmas I was hoping for. It was a cold and rainy day so we were all stuck inside. And if that was not enough, Gary woke up with a terrible case of the stomach flu! Poor baby could not even open all of his gifts. He was broken hearted that he had to miss this special time with Monkey. But it was best for everyone that he be back in the bedroom away from everyone. Still, Monkey and the family really enjoyed their day and their gifts. This is Monkey and Mommy with her new wagon and Elmo Live.
Here is my Monkey in her new rocker - thankfully she loved it!
Gary got me the sweetest gift this year. It actually even brought a tear to my eyes. He bought me a beautiful pendant with Monkey's birthstone and a diamond on it. It was just so thoughtful and sweet of him. I never would have imagined him thinking of that for me. He says I will get a new one with every new grandbaby! The girls need to have babies in April - that is the diamond month!
Today Gary is finally up out of bed - still feeling a little yucky, but over all much better. I have been busy cleaning the house. If you didn't know this already about me, I am a total grem-a-phob! So it is smelling of bleach and Lysol in my house today. And even though it is cold out today the windows are open to try to blow it all out. Hopefully I am successful and no one else in the family will get sick!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you spent it with those you love. For our friends and family that we did not get to spend Christmas with, know you were with us in our hearts this year!