Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Simple Pleasures. . .

I am so sleepy tonight! We had Monkey all night last night and I am running on 2.5 hours of sleep! But I just had to post a couple of photos from last night and this morning.

When Grampa came home from work last night and found out we were keeping Monkey over night he decided we should take her to the pool for a swim before dinner. This would be her 1st time to actually put on a swimsuit and get in the water. She seemed to really enjoy herself, as did Grampa!

This morning came a little too soon for me but, it was a beautiful morning just the same. A sunny, blue sky, a cool breeze and my 19 year old out on the patio blowing bubbles! What could be better?

So what were your simple pleasures for today??????

Have a great "Hump-Day" tomorrow!


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