Saturday, April 30, 2011

Past, Present & Future - part two. . .

In June of 2009 I taught a class called "Past, Present & Future" I really liked this project and enjoyed teaching it. I still occasionally get it off of the shelf and take a peek.

A few weeks ago a friend asked for the directions on how to make this book, I gave them to her and she made the book. She then brought it to our Year in the Life quarterly meeting to show me - it was beautiful - she did a great job. While she was showing me the other gals started admiring it as well. Next thing you know they were asking me to teach the class again.

So here is my new 2011 model of Past, Present & Future. . .

Notice the 3 clocks on the cover (for Past, Present & Future - how clever). I used the new "Time" line by Bo Bunny. These are some beautiful papers!

The left side of the book is my "Present & my Future" with photos of my family . It has a pull-out that gives you a place to make note of who is in the photo and what their relationship is to you.

The right side of the book is my "Past" and is a gatefold type of signature - one side for your Mother's side of the family, and one side for your Father's.

When you get to the back you get a set of fan, group charts to document the generational lists for both sides of your family. If you want to see more details just click on the first photo of the new book.

This will be taught on Friday - May 27th from 5:30 - 9pm at The Creative Quest.

Thank you to my ladies that already signed up without even seeing the sample first. Enjoy your weekend friends!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

New Project to Share. . .

This one has a mouthful for a title -

The Form & Function of the Industrial Strength Woman

I am really loving this project, it was inspired by several different ladies who's work I admire. I have been watching some of the techniques they like to add in their projects and I have been wanting to try them for some time now. So this book is a "technique book" of sorts. It was a place to play and experiment and learn for me. It was a place to get out of my own comfy little creative box. I have no big plans for this book. I do not plan to add photos or write witty stories or favorite memories. I just plan on enjoying it for what it is.

There are lots of items from the hardware store in this book - which makes it quite noisy and heavy! But there are also lots of roses, corsets and charms which gives it that vintage and womanly feel also.

Each page is an adventure with all of it's moving parts and interactive items.

There are even pages that will surprise you - like this one!

You will not believe all of the materials we will use in this book. Some things you will be familiar with, but we will use them in an unfamiliar way. Some things you might never have thought about using in a handmade book?

If you click on the first photo you will be able see more detailed photos

I will be teaching this book at The Creative Quest on Saturday May 14th. It will be an ALL day class. The fee is $110. This class is not for the faint of heart. You will work every minute you are there if you plan on taking this home complete. This is not a beginners class, it is for the more experienced book artist. There are 5 spaces left in this class, so if you are interested in signing up please call the store right away so I can build a kit for you. When you sign up you will get an email from me giving you a list of tools and supplies you will need to bring to class.

I hope to see you there!


Happy Easter!!!!

Just a quickie to wish everyone the most wonder Easter! I hope you will all have a wonderful day with your family and friends, That you will find lots of Easter eggs filled with goodies, have a delicious ham dinner with all of the fixin's

But mostly I hope you remember why we celebrate today and that you will find everlasting joy in the fact that He has risen!!!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Circus Update

Just wanted to let everyone know that I actually have 4 kits left over if anyone wants them. I will be selling them for $75 + postage which will include all supplies (everything is already cut for you), and all instructions complete with color photos. Just shoot me an email at with Circus Kits in the subject line. Hope everyone's week is great so far!
