Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bye Bye August!

Can you believe it is the last weekend of the summer already (unless you live in AZ, then you still have another 6 weeks)? I hope you all are making good use of your 3-day weekend hanging out with family, traveling, creating beautiful things and just having FUN! This summer, this year for that matter has just flown by! I took a little break for the month of August as you can see from the lack of posts on my blog. No classes this month and no blogging. But that doesn't mean I was just sitting on my duff doing nothing (well, not everyday anyway). The no blogging was mostly due to the fact that my laptop finally died (RIP my friend) and the desktop is in the "dreaded old studio" which sadly still harbors the formaldehyde in it's walls and makes me sick when I am in there too long. But on the up-side, I have ordered a new laptop and it should be here soon and I will be free to play online to my hearts content again! Until then here's a little photo list of some of what I have been up to. . .

I took some pictures of a cute baby on his first birthday for a friend. . . 

Took some "Save-the-Date" photos for a friend of my daughter
Made the "Save-the-Date" cards for above friend

 Did some ebay shopping and got a ton of really COOL clock parts There is a ton more in boxes in my studio waiting to be taken apart and turned into ART!

I helped my Daughter get settled into her very first classroom! How is it that my baby girl is now teaching high school English????
Do you know what this is???? We did NOT have these when I was in school.
 Answer:  It is the emergency kit for Lizzy's classroom, they all have one these days. It is a 5 gallon bucket filled with first aid and other emergency supplies and the lid turns into a toilet seat. This is in case of a lock  down at the school so that the teacher can take care of all of her students' needs while crazy people are out in the halls! What has our world come to?

We had a sleep-over with Monkey & Bug while their Mom & Dad had a date night

We celebrated birthdays for both Monkey & Bug! Their birthdays are 1 week apart so we did a few things with them. . . 
Dinner & ice cream at the 71 Grille
 Build-A-Bear to get the new My Little Pony 
And even a cake and ice cream party - which I did not attend because of a migraine :(

Monkey started 1st grade!!!! Slow down Monkey, you're growing too fast! 
The first day went great - the rest of the week was questionable. But she is settled in now.

 There were a few visits with my pal Deborah
This particular night we had a whole posse with us! It was a super fun night with some "questionable" activities and I did not get home till 5:00am! Gary's alarm clock was going off when I snuck in and I was back up at 9:00 am! I am getting too old for this kind off nonsense!

Along with teaching HS English, working on her Masters, tutoring for SAT's etc, and working at Starbucks, my crazy daughter has started her own Lia Sophia jewelry business! (whew, I am tired just typing all of that!)
So, being the good Mom that I am, I hosted a party for her. 
 Thanks to all of you that came out in support of her! My party was her biggest one so far!
Way to go Liz!!!!

Again, because I am such a good Mom, I am making all of Lizzy's invitations for her hostesses. So I have been busy playing PSE trying to make them personal for each gal . 

I have also managed to get my September samples made - they are already at the store if you want to see them in person. I have a little "canvas theme" going on this month. I love this stuff and I want yo to love it too! So be sure to take one (or both) of my Sept classes. 

Canvas Candy Corn Banner
Mixed Media Fridays w/ Marta 
 Class Date: Friday, Sept 20th, 12-3 pm
Class Fee: $30

Medieval Style Painted Canvas Journal
Class Date: Saturday, Sept 21st, 2-5 pm
Class Fee: $40

Monday, Gary & I leave for a romantic trip to our favorite hotel in Coronado for an WHOLE WEEK!!! This will be the first trip we have taken in ages without the kids and the grand kids! We are gonna do all of that "grown-up" stuff
walk on the beach
take peddy-cab rides by the pier
and I am even taking a painting class at the hotel! 
I can't wait to go. . . I just wish someone would do my packing for me!
On that note I better go and get some stuff done. 
till we meet again. . .